Dextrose Monohydrate (DMH)

Dextrose Monohydrate (D-glucose) is a sugar that's a stable, odorless, white crystalline powder or colorless crystal. In its pure form, it has a dextrose equivalency (DE) of 100, which indicates that it's 100% pure Dextrose, not a mixture with other substances as well. It is extensively used in food industry and can provide support in replacing sucrose in baking, dairy products, canned products, chewing gum and preserves. Other than this, it is also used in beverage powders, in caramel coloring and other compositions where it supports extended shelf life of the products. The presence of dextrose also supports keeping powdered beverage drinks free flowing. Our Dextrose is made from non-GMO rice.

Features of Dextrose Powder
  • Easy to digest
  • Safe to consume
  • Longer shelf life
Uses of Dextrose
  • Dextrose Monohydrate is used in the production of baked goods, candy and gum, creams and frozen dairy products (like some ice-creams and frozen yogurts), alcoholic beverages, jarred and canned foods.
  • It is used as energy food by convalescing patient, sportsperson, children etc. and known to give instant energy and vigour.
  • Dextrose is used in fruit and vegetable processing to help keep them fresh. It's also used in dehydration.
  • It is used as a preservative as it doesn't alter the natural flavor of the food, especially compared to using sugar, another useful preservative.
Applications of Dextrose Monohydrate
  • It is a sweetner with sweetness of about 75% of the sucrose.
  • It is used as flavour to the food preparations when added alone or in combination with other weetener.
  • It is the simplest carbon source monosaccharide and used extensively in fermentation process for rapid growth with excellent yield, no non-fermentable sugars, low level of trace minerals organics, few leftovers to purify and consistency.
  • It is used in extending shelf life of many food products.
Specification Dextrose Powder
Parameter Specifications
Name of Test Limits
Description White Crystalline powder, Free from Foreign Matter, Sweet in taste
Identification Positive for Dextrose
Clarity 10% Solution Clear
Retention on 30 # 10% Maximum
Specific Volume 135 – 150ml / 100 gm
Loss on Drying % 7.5 – 9.5
Acidity (5.0 gm Sample) 1.25 ml of N/50 NaOH Max.
Sulphated Ash % 0.1 maximum
Sulphur Dioxide ppm 20 Maximum
Dextrose Content % 99.5 – 100
Optical Rotation +52.5o to 53.0o
  • We Pack Dextrose Monohydrate in 25 kgs bag. The packaging can also be customized as per individual requirements.
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